Durite 1080P 360 ADAS AI Camera System

360° ADAS AI Camera System

With this kit, you can manoeuvre safely, eliminate all blind spots, and detects and warns the driver of any Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) around the vehicle.

The Durite 360° camera monitoring system is our most Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). It utilises the latest Smart AI and 3D technology, combined with 4 x 1080P high-definition extra wide viewing angle cameras to knit crystal-clear images, giving you an all-round bird’s eye-view of the vehicle. In addition to eliminating all blind spots, the system detects and warns the driver of any VRUs that are in close proximity to the vehicle, helping your drivers manoeuvre safely and confidently wherever they are. 

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KEY BENEFITS OF 360° Camera System

Zero blind spot

Zero blind spot

All-round bird’s eye-view of your vehicle to eliminate all blind spots.

Split screen display

Split screen display

Triggered action (left indication, right indication or reverse) or close VRUs detection is shown on screen along with the bird’s-eye view of the vehicle.

Quick & auto calibration

Quick & auto calibration

The auto calibration is extremely precise, and it only takes a few minutes for the process.

View the Durite 360° Camera System in action

Yellow close proximity alert - VRU detected on the left

Yellow close proximity alert - VRU detected on the left

Red close proximity alert - VRU detected on the left

Red close proximity alert - VRU detected on the left

Yellow close proximity alert - VRU detected on the right

Yellow close proximity alert - VRU detected on the right

No VRU dectected

No VRU dectected